Meet 1:1 with Patients at the AskthePatients Center during
Patients as Partners in Clinical Research
We’re thrilled to continue the AskthePatients onsite program at the 12th annual Patients as Partners in Clinical Research Summit.
AskthePatients offers a unique opportunity for attendees to engage in 1:1 discussions with patients or caregivers who have actively participated in clinical trials. On-site, you can sign up to schedule a 15-minute, one-on-one meeting with the participating patient advocates. Their expertise spans from managing or caregiving for someone with a chronic disease, rare condition, or cancer to experience in using mobile/digital technology in trials, and more.
All meetings will take place at the AskthePatients Center located in the Exhibit Hall. To sign up, visit the AskthePatients table located next to Registration.
Introducing the Participating Patient Advocates
Justin Hopkin
About Justin Hopkin:
I am a devoted father and relentless advocate who, as a caregiver to my son living with Niemann Pick disease, channel our journey through clinical trials into a mission to drive awareness, research, and hope for the rare disease community
Sabina Kineen
About Sabina Kineen:
A Fabry Disease patient and caregiver, passionately advocating for clinical trial accessibility, health equity, and mental health awareness, open to sharing insights from 12 years of trial participation.
Barry Nelson
About Barry Nelson:
I was diagnosed with advanced non small cell lung cancer in March 2012 and today, I continue to strive and live my best life!
Patrick O Gee, Sr
About Patrick O Gee, Sr:
I am the Voice of the Voiceless and the Face of the Faceless in the fight against kidney disease.

Sharon Rivera-Sanchez
About Sharon Rivera-Sanchez:
Cancer has touched my family twice, with each experience leading to different outcomes, fueling my out-of-the-box approach to engaging Black and Brown communities in clinical trials—I'm currently in my fifth trial!

Mackenzie Abramson
About Mackenzie Abramson:
As a multi-rare disease patient, navigating the uphill battle of obtaining medications and treatments that address my issues, I passionately advocate for increased access to clinical trials, drug repurposing, and mental health care to ensure that patients losing hope are not left behind.

Catherine Ames
About Catherine Ames:
I have SSRD—some sort of rheumatologic disease. Living with a chronic illness without a clear diagnosis, I understand the challenges of navigating a healthcare system that struggles with ambiguity. I advocate for young, disabled, and chronically ill patients.
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Rucha Shah
About Rucha Shah:
I’m a rare disorder lived-experience expert and clinical research project manager committed to driving initiatives that forge impactful disease community connections, improve patient outcomes, and amplify awareness.

Jon Nelson
About Jon Nelson:
I am a serious mental illness lived-experience expert and a relentless activist for those like me facing a broken healthcare system and absurd stigma surrounding mental illness. My mission is to pulverize this stigma, as society’s ignorance causes unnecessary suffering and death.

Sarah Woods
About Sarah Woods:
Living with and advocating for HHT, a rare blood vessel disorder that affects blood flow and organ function.

O'Ronica Fields
About O'Ronica Fields:
Cancer Thriver actively participating as a Person-to-Person Cancer Mentor offering support in guidance to individuals navigating the complexities of their own cancer journeys.